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Across The Night Wall

" - At the time, we didn’t even realise that something was wrong with the Universe. . ."

by Martin Isitt



" - in the Afternoon Ages of the Earth. . ."

by Brett Davidson


Red Giant's Race

" - people said that the never-ending torment of shredding, grating, tearing metal on naked rock kilometres below was like music. . ."

by Nigel Atkinson



" - Bristle-backed Aeiphanes crept on a thousand wheels though the twilight of a million years . ."

by Brett Davidson


The Last Road Maker

"Not fifty yards away was a great shell-hole with thirty crosses sticking from it, some barely rising out of the pooled rainwater."

by James Stoddard



" - one of the dark things that twisted in the sky. . ."

by Pinlighter


Children of the Hive

" - The giant dreamt inside the Earth. . . "

by Luna García y García


Low the Ascomycotan Sky

'"I have done my duty," she said quietly, the words snatched by the relentless wind.'

by Deborah Walker


Eve of Evil

"Here was an endless nothingness scattered with cold, aching presences."

by Gregg Marchese



Red Twilight
by Keran Parizek
Ex Machina
by Brett Davidson
by Brett Davidson
by Brett Davidson
by pinlighter
The Sky Is Full of Eyes
by Tais Teng
by pinlighter
picture ©tais teng
click on thumbnail for sub-library

"The Wreck of the Aetherwing

"The foe we faced from the Towers was unlike any we have seen..."

by James Dewitt



"I spread her blood on a dish before our spore MotherFather Levithmog, whom the humans call the Thing That Nods."

by Don Webb


Embrace The Night

"Now I know who I have been before. Who I still am."

by tais teng

In the Lee of Night a short by Banks Miller
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