
Navigating note: Sometimes in this largish site you might feel slightly stuck or downright lost. When this happens just click on my name at the top of your page. This will bring you back here to Home.

Masques of the Disappeared:
Daddy splits

New: Judith’s framing notes are here

This site was launched with a party in November 2002. For Paul Brazier’s photos of the party, click here



Welcome to the site of Judith Clute, Canadian/British artist based in London. Her subjects range from illuminations of fantasy to paintings whose inspiration is entirely independent of the commercial world.

For a short resume of her life and career, please click Biography.

For full contextual data on all her work - date, medium, size, where exhibited, present disposition - please click Chronology.

Well over a hundred images can be viewed in Selected Works. This body of work subdivides into categories retrievable from the horizontal navigation bar. Information regarding each painting is provided as it appears. Etchings are found in a new, slightly different format. Note especially no.5, the Forever Peace set of etchings.

To view a selection of works currently available, please click Works for Sale. Here you will find, except for floating frames, the sizes are for the canvases themselves. All the works are framed so add 3cm to the height and width if you want the works actual size. And they are almost 4cm deep. The framing wood is American Ash. Also, Grab Bag Also Etchings. And again for framing info see Judiths framing notes

Packing and shipping. Paintings are framed and ready to hang; the purchase price includes packing and shipping. Etchings are priced at £125 framed, and £75 unframed; packing and shipping at cost. All works in Grab Bag are priced unframed (for matting and framing, price negotiable); packing and shipping at cost.
  If you’d like to communicate, e-mail me
Here’s a special limited edition volume that may be of interest: Forever Peace. To Stop War. (Upper Montclair, New Jersey: Temporary Culture). Poem by Joe Haldeman; etchings by Judith Clute. The volume is letterpress printed, 15'' tall; each volume contains, bound in, nine original signed and numbered etchings. It is limited to 25 copies. It is almost sold out. For prospectus, click here


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website design by planet-brazier | this site and its entire contents are copyright © 2010 Judith Clute | site last updated 30 September 2010