Chums 1928/29 | Chums 1932/33

Colour plates

These two copies of Chums are quite battered. This is the better of the two covers

However, most of the interior art is in remarkably good condition, and I hope you enjoy the following samples



The Red Chevalier



How Old Pew lost
his dead lights


Comically, this page is titled "Fighting aeroplanes of the Royal Air Force". It shows three ancient (in those days) 'heavy' bombers, a passenger aircraft, and several front line fighters - Gamecocks, Woodcocks, Siskins, and Grebes. No doubt the RAF realised it was not a good idea to name their aircraft after game birds - they might as well have called them 'sitting ducks' - because the next generation of fighters had more pugnacious names like Bulldog and Gladiator




An British boy reviews his Chinese army - an illustration from "The Secret of the Yellow Robe"



The 'Cutty Sark' in heavy seas


How his ancestor won his spurs.

The photograph shows, I assume, King George V, while the colour illustration is of the Black Prince at Crecy in 1346


Crash at two miles a minute



Roll-call at dawn. The gallant Australians at Gallipoli



At Bay - I wonder who exactly is most threatened in this pic

Lariat versus Steer


Chums 1928/29 Colour plates | Chums 1932/33 Colour plates

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