Let the web design speak for itself.
Before this site, there was Dominic Harman's site
Before that, there was
Before that there was
Judith Clute
Before Judith, there was
Harman's previous site
Before Dominic, there was
John Whitbourn
And before John there was
my own domestic offering
When the site is finished there will be text here that will make everyone want to employ me,
Meantime, the site will have to speak for itself.
Paul Brazier – Curriculum Vitae Pre-press employment |
June 2002February 2007 | |||||||
Letters Editor The Argus |
A number of clients went out of business owing me money. It proved impossible to replace them so I took part-time work in the pre-press department of the local paper to tide me over When the letters editor position fell vacant, I was offered the job. However, I found I missed design work immensely and a significant change in my circumstances recently has meant I have been able to return to my real love – design |
June 1999date | |||||||
Built several large web sites for artist and writer friends and, after the demise of Interzone, launched Quercus-SF, a new way of presenting fiction on the web and in print. Completed a project in 2000 for International Airport Business on their 400pp+ full-colour illustrated technical guide, Airports, Airlines, Airplanes Produced Crime Time magazine until it ceased print publication and went on-line only and 127 Gazette, the newsletter of The Cavalry and Guards Club until a bean counter became chairman |
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August 1994June 1999 | |||||||
Designer 33 King William St, London EC4R 9AS
Design-led the Group’s R+A before take-over by Merrill Lynch. Designed and produced an eight-colour book, Strategic Asset Management, which describes Mercury’s financial philosophy incorporating 73 graphs Input design ideas and practical feedback for Mercury’s web site. Designed and produced full colour marketing brochures and report and accounts for several different funds, and the company’s internal newsletter, Bridges (now Bullseye). Oversaw and implemented corporate visual identity and produced all printed stationery. Initiated migration of all literature to electronic media via PDF. Specified and installed all Macintosh equipment in use. Recruited more designers (department was six strong). Set up full archiving, back-up and disaster recovery system. |
May 1993August 1994 | |||||||
Design Manager Merlin Publications, Hove |
Designed and produced Merlin’s national newstand magazine, Home Business, and their subscriber-only title, Capital Success, from home. As the company expanded, moved in-house. Specified, acquired and installed a complete Macintosh studio. Interviewed and appointed designer/operators to use the system. Launched Merlin’s new national newstand title, Your Business. Devised and implemented workflow system both within the computer network and physically within the office. |
February 1992May 1993 | |||||||
Manager Diamond
Graphics, |
Bureau work and origination on the Mac side, using four IIcis and a Linotronic 330. 24 hour operation. Worked average 12 hour days. | ||||||
April 1991 to date | |||||||
Sub-editor, technical author, graphic designer and typesetter on an ad-hoc basis for clients ranging from Dorling Kindersley and Sterling Publications to local design associates Hill Rae Smith.Worked on the national daily newspaper ad campaigns of B&Q, MFI, and Wickes. Designed, wrote and produced two manuals for computer programs from scratch. Published own magazine, SF Nexus |
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April 1989April 1991 | |||||||
Typesetter Central Southern Typesetters, Hove |
General jobbing typesetting, with particular in-house service to Bridgewater Design working on coffee-table books |
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July 1984April 1989 | |||||||
Typesetter/Assistant Studio Manager City and Guilds, Britannia St WC2 |
Complete in-house origination service for C&G, including all syllabus pamphlets and exam papers |
experience Before I became involved in pre-press, I had many other jobs, but was never unemployed for more than three weeks, and even held down part-time jobs while studying for my degree I spent a year in Sudan teaching English to sixth-form girls In no particular order, I have also worked as an air traffic control assistant, art retoucher, supermarket shelf-stacker, office carpet cleaner, snooker hall/amusement arcade manager, steel salesman, milkman, dispatch manager and driver, pharmaceutical packer, typewriter salesman, petrol pump attendant – I could write a book... |
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